What is Energy Medicine?

Energy medicine is a field of complementary therapy based on the interactions of the human energy field with other energy fields (human or other). The human body is surrounded by and emits various kinds of energy: electrical, magnetic, light, and subtle. Health and disease appear to be related to the flow or lack of flow of our energetic systems.

Interview - Dr. Norman Shealy on Energy Medicine

Human Energy Fields

The human body consists of five layers of energy, which together comprise the human energy field

Energy Therapy

The human body is surrounded by and emits various kinds of energy: electrical, magnetic, light, and subtle. Health and disease appear to be related to the flow or lack of flow of our energetic systems.


Dr. Doostdari

Energy Therapist

Dr. James Oschman

member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine in Washington, DC, USA.

Description Clyde Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

Pioneer in Alternative Medicine
Dr. EslamitabarLaw Professor
Energy Medicine is a branch of complementary medicine and sits next to acupuncture and homeopathy. Energy therapies are 3000-4000 years old and very effective in healing physical and mental diseases.

About us

Energy medicine is the type of medicine which studies the relationship between human body and electromagnetic fields.

This is the first website dedicated to Energy Medicine in Iran which includes everything you need to know about this field. This is guided by Iranian physicians in the field, including Dr. Shahriar Eslamitabar.


Pioneers in Energy Medicine and their Legacy

Energy Medicine in Educational Institutions

The Future of Energy Medicine in Holistic Health